It's the middle of nowhere

Diary Entry by: Anonymous | Illustrations by: Brooke Qualman

USA | Originally written July 23, 2021

My boyfriend woke me up at 5:30 am. On a work Friday. For what? You might ask? To go see some hot air balloons over the city. We drove to the spot we thought was where we could get the best view. Turns out the hot air balloons dont get released until 6:45am. Okay on to get some breakfast while we wait. We arrive back at our spot ready to see some balloons. Turns out they changed locations so we frantically drive to new location. We get there and it's in the middle of nowhere. No lovely city views. But you know what? despite not seeing the spectacular balloon show we thought wed get, we laughed about it. Had a good morning chasing down balloons. Happy to do shenanigans with my best friend.

- Anonymous, 21

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New York, NY 12345