A sleep paralysis dream

Diary Entry by: Kyleene | Illustrations by Nocky Dinh

Lakeshore Hotel Chicago | Originally written Nov 18, 2018

Laying on the hotel bed for real I start to fall off it, through it. On to the floor. But the carpet is an ugly dark brown hotel carpet instead of the black and white current one. The bed is suddenly much smaller than a king. It's now a full? I guess now that I was sleeping on the missing part, so I slide off and fall face down into the floor.

I stand up and am now facing a mirror in a bathroom. In the current real life room there's a wall that separates the bathroom by the bed, but there used to be a door there. It's dimly lit in this new hotel room.

I stand to face a brown framed mirror. The walls are smilar in color. The lighting is dimmer. As I look in the mirror a white man with medium long medium brown hair and a stained off-white wife beater and brown pants straps over his shoulders stands in the mirror. He sees me in the mirror as he stands behind me. I get scared. I try to yell but I can only let out a murmur. I try to confront him. To not be afraid. I've never met this young man. White. Pale face. I look him right I'm the eye instead of trying to wake up and run. I try to face him. This is just a dream. I control this dream. Right? He starts to get angry. His mouth opens. His pupils go dark. It seems like his mouth has opened unnaturally large. He let's out a roar saying "NOOOOOOO" as he stares at me in the mirror. I try to will my dream self to punch him in the face, punch his reflection in the mirror, anything.

It's like I'm in the mirror and he's in the room. In a different time, same place. I try to move my arm but I can't move. He takes a fist and punches me from behind. An uppercut to my lady parts. When he does, it's somehow from behind me in the mirror and I know it's also at my current real life backside as I lay face down on the bed. I feel it in my bones when I wake up. Not pain, a vibration. I wake up shuddering. My body buzzes.

- Kyleene, 28


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