I'm giving up on that one

Diary Entry by: Leela | Illustrations by: Camille

Austin, TX | Originally written October 24, 2019

I'm on a plane, and on my way to my friends wedding! Can't believe she is getting married. I'm going to cry so much hahahaha, I've known her since the 2nd grade, we go way back. Also glad to be taking a few days off too, I've been getting lots of tension headaches, think it's related to stress from work. They are in the process laying people off, hope I'm not next. To try and de-stress I bought some facial masks for the trip. They didn't have much of a selection (I guess everyone is having a weird week). But I found some silly facial masks with tigers printed on it.

As I prepare for this wedding (I'm also a bridesmaid) I've been more conscious of my body hair. Not in a bad way, more in a way of like wow I'm glad I don't have to go to fancy events like this all the time!!!! I get a lot of stiff hairs on my chin, I tried to pluck a few but more just sprouted up over the week. So I've giving up on that one! I also have a mustache, but sometimes I can just smear foundation over it, and it does the trick.

- Leela, 28


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