Wow last week was bad...

Diary Entry by: Iris Wang | Illustrations by: Giulia Martinelli

Austin, TX | Originally written December 10, 2007

Wow last week was bad...I acted so grumpy and mean to like everyone..thankfully everyone put up with my immature attitude. Hopefully this week won't be as stressful and bad. D:

Anyway, I've got alotta homework to do but I'd rather be here I am lol. I don't understand PreCal, maybe I should teach it to myself using the textbook..I didn't understand how my teacher was getting the answers..>:0

Spanish class depressed me a lot today, but when I got to APUSH and saw my name on the board for the Professor Awards, I almost screamed in delight. I have never been on the board before, I came close once by a point, but yea today was the first time my name was written on the board. I got a 96 raw score.(We get 5 point curves). A 96 was the highest grade in all the classes, and three other people, all geniuses, got a 96 too. Man I am proud of myself. Unfortunately I received a C on my quiz but it didn't dampen my high spirits. :]

So yeahhhh. Threadless has been real disappointing lately. They've got that $10 sale going on but all the shirts are...not appealing. They aren't like really ugly or anything..they're just....not my style I guess.

Today I played Connect Four in PE and I beat my friend :D I'm really competitive in Connect Four(Yes, I know, I am a loser xP) so I was happyyy. Oh. I saw Gabelle today. That was a bad point in my day. I was rushing downstairs to 5th period and when I turned my head, and there was Gabelle, a half smile plastered onto his handsome face, and he was looking at me, I think? It was such a surprise and it sure startled me. And me, being an idiot, quickly turned back around and ran the other way to my class. Gabelle must have been like, "Wow, she must be scared of me or something." I mean, I was going to go through that door and then I saw Gabelle and then I went to the other door on the other side of the buidling. What kind of idiot does that? Uh, me, apparently. D: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Why is Gabelle still so good looking? D:

- Iris, 17

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