It's Sunday afternoon & I'm having a pretty good weekend

Diary Entry by: Mason | Illustrations by Izzi Vasquez

Seattle, WA | Originally written April 12, 2020

It's Sunday afternoon and I'm having a pretty good weekend. Today Molly and I went to Zylberschtein's for brunch and brought some bagels to 2020, then tried to go to Joann, then got coffee at Mighty-O and drove around Magnolia to look at all of the rich people's houses. It's a really nice day outside today and there were a bunch of people out in Ballard and walking around Magnolia. Once we got home, I finished my 2 The Music video (yay!) and worked on New York Counterpoint, and showed my work to Molly, who had just finished hanging out with Mallory and Mary. I'm going to post my video tomorrow after editing it all week, I hope people like it and share it around! I'm glad to be done with it and I wanna make some more videos. I have been putting off my real homework except for NY Counterpoint so now I will have time to do that.

Yesterday Molly and I walked around UW for a bit, I worked on my music stuff for a while, Molly and I had a vocal lesson, and I made fried rice (and Molly liked it!). I organized a Zoom Karaoke hang with my friends and it was a lot of fun! I saw JM and JB & Kristen and Ronan and Hannah & Taylor and Claire and Alison and the 2020 house and Mary! Sometimes the audio was a little weird but it was really fun to put on a show for everybody and laugh and dance with everybody and see everyone's faces after a long time. I think everyone had a great time and enjoyed seeing each other. Molly and I drank some wine and sang My Favorite Mistake and Head Over Heels.

On Friday I think I forgot about Modern Ensemble... because I was so focused on working on music stuff. I'm not totally sure we had class but I'm pretty sure we did. I just got really focused on working on NY Counterpoint and I talked to John to figure out how to get a sustained marimba 8th note sound from one note. I made my pesto pasta with field roast and mushrooms and shallots. We got Thai food from Little Thai at some point. We've been watching Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo and I've been pretty into those, and Kim's Convenience. We still need to catch up on Schitt's Creek and Westworld and a bunch of other shows. Molly and I were talking about how it's so hard to stay caught up in the TV world because the only way to see all the TV is to not have any other hobbies! So I'm glad we have other stuff to do.

I had Music of Indonesia on Thursday and that class still feels like it takes forever but I am liking it so far. We talked about the concept of Power in Javanese culture and discussed it with classmates in breakout rooms. I did most of the reading so I was prepared to talk about it; seems like I'll need to do the reading every week to be prepared for breakout room discussions. In class I can sort of zone out if I need to or want to, and turn the camera off to eat food or look at social media or whatever.

The family got together on Zoom for Mom's birthday and played Jackbox games, it was pretty fun! I won a game of Drawful, and Mom won a game of Fibbage after coming in dead last in the first game. It was really nice to see everybody and laugh even if we didn't really talk about anything substantial. I think we're all Zooming together tonight too.

- Mason, 27

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